Midge Simpson - Preschool/Early Childhood Rep
From Greenville, South Carolina, Midge has been involved with early childhood education for 45 years. Starting with a daycare in her home for10 years, she became an early childhood teacher, and taught 10 years before becoming the administrator of a K-4 preschool. In 1992, she founded and served as Director of Sonshine Learning Center. She recently retired, but has continued to work part-time at the school as a mentor and leader of educators. She has helped many churches begin their preschool ministries. She served on the Nazarene International Education Association Council (now NEW) from 1993-2010, taking a brief break before joining the Council again a few years ago. She has served on the Greenville County Child Care Association for over 30 years and continues to serve that organization. Email: midgesimpson5@gmail.com
To read more of Midge’s journey as an educator

Here is a list of articles written by Midge, listed by month/year of the newsletter. Access them by finding the right newsletter under our newsletter tab. The numbers to the right of each article indicate the month and year of the appropriate newsletter.

Midge Simpson—Preschool/Early Childhood Learning Center Representative
- 1/2-20Squeals, Squirming, and Surprises
- 7-20Kids with Problems, Not Problem Kids
- 12-19God Sent a Four-Legged Angel
- 1-18Praying Scripture for Our Children
- 3-18Creating a Positive Learning Environment
- 7/8-18Kids with Problems, Not Problem Kids
- 10-18Loving Kids Everywhere
- 12-18Keeping Balance in your Life
- 9-17Brett the Bear Visits
- 11-17Learning with Letter Vests
- 9-15 Dare to Discipline
Melodee lives in Houston, Texas, and is an experienced educator serving in local early education organization. She is also very active in the Nazrene Quizzing program in her church and on her district. Melodee is an excellent author and resource, having written many articles for our N.E.W.sletter. She would welcome the opportunity to assist other early educators! Email : melodee.simmons@yahoo.com
To read more about Melodee’s story!

Here is a list of articles written by Melodee, listed by month/year of the newsletter. Access them by finding the right newsletter under our newsletter tab. The numbers to the right of each article indicate the month and year of the appropriate newsletter.
Melodee Simmons—Preschool/Early Childhood Learning Center Representative
- 3-21 New Ways to Direct a Preschool
- 4-21Oh, the Things We Can Learn from a Child
- 1/2-20From Retain to Potty Training to Director
- 5-20Remembering God Is Still in Control
- 9-20Changes! Changes! Changes!
- 10-20Not All Queens Wear Crowns
- 12-20God Always Has a Plan
- 3-19God Bless Teachers
- 4-19Teachers Under Construction
- 5-19Oh, the Things a Two-Year-Old Can Teach You
- 6-19Oh, the Changes I Have Seen
- 7-19The Children I Have Taught
- 8-19A New School Year
- 11-19 The Perfect Class
- 2-18“I Didn’t Get It Out”
- 11-18Children Learn by Playing
- 1-17Local Celebrations
- 5-17Not All Queens Wear Crowns
- 12-17What Do You Do?
- 1-16Christmas Throughout the Year
- 4-16Recycle Gardening
- 8-16A New School Year
- 9-16Are the Children “Life-Ready”?
- 12-16Christmas Memories
- 2-15Child’s Play
- 4-15God’s Loved
- 7/8-15Jesus Is Still the Same
- 10-15The Wonders of Fall
- 11-15God Bless Teachers
- 2-14Teachers Under Construction
- 4-14Spring Ideas for a Preschool Class
- 6/7-14Where Are They Now?
- 10-14Autumn Is Here!
- 12-14Christmas Traditions
- 12-13What Do You Do?
- 4-13 Let the Children Play—Jan Wilton, Preschool/Early Childhood Representative
- 4-13 Introducing Jan Wilton, Preschool/Early Childhood Representative
More Articles for Early Educators Preschool/Early Childhood
- Squeals, Squirming, and Surprises—by Midge Simpson Farr, Preschool/Early Childhood Rep. (Jan-Feb 2021)
- New Ways to Direct a Preschool—by Melodee Simmons, Preschool and Early Childhood Rep. (March 2021)
- Oh, the Things We Can Learn from a Child—Melodee Simmons, Preschool and Early Childhood Rep. (April 2021)
- From Retail to Potty Training to Director—by Melodee Simmons, Preschool/Early Childhood Learning Center Rep. (Jan-Feb 2020)
- Discipline for Preschoolers—an Overview—by Donita Lewis, Preschool Director and Guest Writer (Mar-Apr 2020)
- Remembering — God Is Still in Control—by Melodee Simmons, Preschool and Early Learning Center Rep. (May 2020)
- Kids with Problems, Not Problem Kids—by Midge Simpson, Preschool/Early Childhood Learning Center Rep. (July 2020)
- Changes, Changes, Changes!—Melodee Simmons, Preschool/Early Childhood Learning Center Rep. (Sept 2020)
- Not All Queens Wear Crowns—by Melodee Simmons, Preschool/Early Learning Center Rep. (Oct 2020)
- God Always Has a Plan—by Melodee Simmons, Preschool/Early Childhood Learning Center Rep. (Dec 2020)
- Teach Your Children to Follow Directions Successfully—by Deb Hughes, Preschool/Early Childhood Rep. (Feb 2019)
- God Bless Teachers—by Melodee Simmons, Preschool/Early Childhood Rep. (Mar 2019)
- God Intervenes in a Little Boy’s Life—by Deborah Hughes, Preschool/Early Childhood Rep. (Apr 2019)
- Teachers Under Construction—by Melodee Simmons, Preschool/Early Childhood Rep. (Apr 2019)
- Oh, the Things a Two-Year-Old Can Teach You—by Melodee Simmons, Preschool/Early Childhood Rep. (May 2019)
- Oh, the Changes I Have Seen—by Melodee Simmons, Preschool/Early Childhood Rep. (June 2019)
- The Children I Have Taught—by Melodee Simmons, Preschool/Early Childhood Rep. (July 2019)
- A New School Year—by Melodee Simmons, Preschool/Early Childhood Rep. (Aug 2019)
- The First Day of School—by Dr. Mark Taylor, College/University Rep. Sept 2019)
- The Perfect Class by Melodee Simmons, Preschool/Early Childhood Centers Rep. (Nov 2019)
- God Sent a Four-Legged Angel—by Midge Simpson Farr, Preschool/Early Childhood Center Rep. (Dec 2019)
- A Solution for One Child’s Misbehavior—by Deborah Hughes, Preschool/Early Childhood Rep. (Jan 2018
- Praying Scripture for Our Children—by Midge Simpson, Preschool/Early Childhood Rep. (Jan 2018)
- “I Didn’t Get It Out!”—by Melodee Simmons, Preschool/Early Childhood Rep. (Feb 2018)
- Creating a Positive Learning Environment—by Midge Simpson, Preschool/Early Childhood Rep. (Mar 2018)
- I Wish I Had This Book . . .– by Deborah Hughes, Preschool/Early Childhood Rep. (Apr 2018)
- How Do You Conduct a Family Altar? —by Deborah Hughes, Preschool/Early Childhood Rep.
(May 2018)
- What Does It Mean to Serve? —by Deborah Hallman, Preschool/Early Childhood Writer (May 2018)
- A Child Who Is Difficult to Love—by Deborah Hughes, Preschool/Early Childhood Rep. (July-Aug 2018)
- Kids with Problems, Not Problem Kids—by Midge Simpson, Preschool/ Early Childhood Rep. (July-Aug 2018)
- Risk Management on the Playground—by Deb Hughes, Preschool/Early Childhood Rep. (Sept 2018)
- Loving Kids Everywhere—by Midge Simpson, Preschool/Early Childhood Rep. (Oct 2018)
- Children Learn by Playing—by Melodee Simmons, Preschool/Early Childhood Guest Writer (Nov 2018)
- Keeping Balance in Your Life—by Midge Simpson, Preschool/Early Childhood Rep. (Dec 2018)
- Local Celebrations—by Melodee Simmons, Preschool/Early Childhood Learning Center Rep. (Jan 2017)
- Not All Queens Wear Crowns—by Melodee, Preschool/Early Childhood Rep. (May 2017)
- Syrian Refugee Child Learns About God—by Deborah Hughes, Preschool/Early Childhood Rep. (July-Aug 2017)
- Brett the Bear Visits—by Midge Simpson, Preschool/Early Childhood Rep. (Sept 2017)
- NEW Council Member Goes to Washington, D.C.—by Deborah Hughes, Preschool/Early Childhood Rep. (Oct 2017)
- Learning with Letter Vests—by Midge Simpson, Preschool/Early Childhood Rep. (Nov 2017)
- Connecting Biblical Truth to Children’s Daily Experiences—by Deborah Hughes, Preschool/Early Childhood Rep. (Dec 2017)
- What Do You Do? —by Melodee Simmons, Preschool/Early Childhood Rep. (Dec 2017)