Our Pledge To You!
The Pledge of Professionalism a part of law school orientation - ABA for Law Students
Our Executive Council of Nazarene Educators Worldwide has recently formed the “Vision 2021 & Beyond Task Force”. The charge of this team was to develop a clearly articulated plan for the future of NEW. Many thanks to Council Representatives Wes Eby (Global Education), Beula Postlewait (Communications), Larry Morris (Administrative Director of SDMI), and Becky Ramsey (Public Schools) for their diligent work.
The product of that work is a document that includes our Mission Statement, Values, Vision and Strategies. It will provide focus and direction as we go forward as a discipleship ministries to Christian educators around the world. Please take some time to review this document, pray for NEW that we will be able to minister effectively in the Name of Jesus and then share your feedback with us. You can respond to this email to engage with us.

Nazarene Educators Worldwide
Mission, Core Values, Vision, Strategies
Mission—to encourage and assist Nazarene educators in making Christlike disciples in the nations.
Core Values
1. We value Relationships so we NETWORK
2. We value LEARNING so we EDUCATE
3. We value TRUTH so we WITNESS
4. We value MINISTRY so we SERVE
NEW exists to encourage, equip and empower Nazarene educators in embracing relationships, learning, truth, and ministry.
1. Network
a. Establish/Maintain active focus groups based on educational settings/levels.
b. Contact members and prospective members (e.g., phone,email, mailing,etc.).
c. Conduct virtual meetings with members and prospective members.
d. Connect with members and prospective members at church-related events (e.g., district assemblies/meetings, SDMI meetings, General Assembly, etc.).
e. Provide information and support for educational job opportunities.
f. Collaborate with and mentor/coach other educators, upon request.
g. Increase awareness of NEW by posting information on District Websites.
2. Educate
a. Prepare a monthly online newsletter.
b. Maintain archives of all previous newsletters.
c. Conduct professional development workshops, etc., online and in person, as well as provide information about other professional development opportunities.
d. Maintain a lending library of professional books/resources.
e. Provide resource manuals for starting Christian schools, home schools, and early
childhood learning centers/preschools.
f. Maintain a directory of Christian schools in the Church of the Nazarene.
g. Collaborate with and mentor/coach other educators, upon request.
a. Conduct quarterly virtual prayer meetings.
b. Look for opportunities to disciple others.
c. Ensure that our publications, such as the newsletter and website, are Christ-focused/centered.
d. Embrace the mission of Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries International.
a. Implement at least one education-related service project annually (e.g., help a school in need, plan an educational missions project, etc.).
b. Encourage Christian schools to participate in the SDMI Kids Reaching Kids initiative.
c. Assist and resource members and non-members according to educational settings/levels.