New Executive Council

Marilyn J. Dominick - Chairperson and Public Schools Representative
Marilyn is a public school educator who resides in Syracuse, NY. She retired in 2010 after serving as Superintendent of Schools in three Public School Districts. Before accepting her first Superintendency, she taught Secondary Mathematics, served as a Math Diagnostician, Elementary Principal, Chairperson for the Committee on Special Education, and Director of Special Programs. Currently, she serves as an Administrative Consultant for Charter Schools in the Central NY area. Marilyn attends the First Church of the Nazarene in Auburn, NY and loves working in outreach and with the Empty Nesters group. She is passionate about enabling educators to evangelize and disciple their students, their students’ families and their colleagues. She believes with all of her heart that, given the proper support and tools, bathed with much prayer, Christian Educators can serve as a driving force to impact the world for Jesus Christ. To Read More of Marilyn’s story!
Find articles written by Marilyn on her drop down page under the “Your N.E.W. Council Reps!” tab.
Lance Howard - College/University Representative
Lance is currently serving as Director of Club Sports and Recreation at Northwest Nazarene University in Nampa, Idaho. He has 24 years of experience working in elementary education, including private & public/charter schools. He has taught kindergarten through sixth grade in both the classroom and as a specials teacher. He has been a Lead Teacher, Assistant Principal/Academy Director, and Building Principal. His 14 years of experience in educational and organizational leadership have prepared him well to work in a variety of instructional settings. He brings his Christian faith, experiences, personal integrity, and high regard for collaboration to his educational community. His passion is to help others learn and grow, stemming from his personal commitment to being a high quality, life-long learner who implements positive leadership through a high quality work ethic. To read more of Lance’s story!
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To read articles written by Lance, visit his drop down page under our “Your N.E.W. Council Reps!” tab.

Dr. Daryll Stanton - Nazarene Discipleship International Liaison to Nazarene Educators Worldwide
Daryll Stanton, EdD, currently serves as the Global Resourcing Coordinator for Nazarene Discipleship International. He coordinates our NDI discovery, development and delivery of Wesleyan-Holiness discipleship resources globally. Prior to this, he and his wife, Verna, served nearly 37 years as missionaries to Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania and Zambia. Daryll continues to serve as a part time senior lecturer in Africa Nazarene University’s online program.
In preparation for ministry, Daryll received the B.A. degree in religion (1975) and the M.A. degree in theology (1981) from Olivet Nazarene University. He also received the M.A. degree in missions (1983) from Nazarene Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Missouri. Later he received the Doctor of Education degree (1997) from California Coast University.
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Becky Ramsey - Public Schools Representative
Hailing from Columbus, Ohio, Becky has taught in the classroom for 43 years in both public and Christian school settings–every level K-12, except first grade. She has served two terms as a member of the NEW Council. For the past three years, she has served as the Gifted Learning Specialist at a local charter school. She is active in her local church and has participated in numerous work trips to mission areas around the globe. To read more of Becky’s story,
To read articles written by Becky, visit her drop down page under our “Your N.E.W. Council Reps!” tab.
Henry Sweeney III - Christian Schools Representative
Henry Sweeney III grew up in the small town of Forestville, Maryland. He attended Grace Brethren Christian School where he later would begin his teaching career. He attended Trevecca Nazarene University where he received a BA in Religion. He met his wife Amber while attending Trevecca and they were married in 2002. In 2004 Henry was ordained as an Elder in the Church of the Nazarene. He later would receive his MA in Spiritual Formation from Northwest Nazarene University. Henry and Amber have been actively involved in full-time ministry since 2001. Henry has been in education for 23 years 21 of which have been in Christian Education. Henry and Amber have two wonderful children, Elizabeth who is a Junior at Liberty University and William who is a Senior in High school . Henry enjoys spending time with the students and building relationships with parents in order to help students grow academically but more importantly spiritually. Henry can be reached via email at

Rev. Lindsay Parson - Home Schools Representative
Biography – Lindsay Parson
Education is something I have been passionate about for years, especially as I have been
attending a school, of some sort, since age four. From my own educational experiences to what I believe the Lord is instructing me to share today, I have been blessed and humbly equipped to share the knowledge I have gained. While working as a chemist at a manufacturing plant, theLord called me to teach, so in obedience to His call, I went back to college in pursuit of an education degree. Shortly thereafter, I received a call from a local Catholic high school principal asking me to teach some of their science course offerings, and I accepted and taught there for five years. I then accepted a high school science teaching position at a rural local public school for two years before the Lord called our family to move to Hamlin, Texas for my husband’s first senior pastorate at the Hamlin Church of the Nazarene. There, I had the privilege of teaching high school sciences at three school districts before we moved to Nevada, TX to my husband’s second ministerial assignment at Lone Star Cowboy Church. I taught sciences, again, at the local public high school closest to the church for four years. After a total of 16 years teaching high school sciences, including: AP chemistry, AP physics, anatomy, biology, biomedical science, chemistry, engineering, forensics, health science, physical science, and physics, for the past two years, I am serving as the Associate Pastor of Christian Education at Lone Star Cowboy Church of Collin County, and I have the privilege of helping church leaders to develop and grow their ministries as they are called by God to serve, as well as writing and presenting discipleship lessons for those who have ears (Matt. 13:43) in our congregation.
In addition to teaching science at the high school level, I have been privileged to serve in
multiple capacities of the local church since my conversion to Christ. Prior to starting my
ministerial preparation coursework, I was teaching NMI lessons for adults and children, Sunday school lessons for children, youth, and adults, and I occasionally shared God’s Word at special events. Each of these teaching opportunities has aided in building me up to my current position.
Homeschool education is something that I believe is rising among the families in my area, and my desire is to help them by providing opportunities for them to fellowship and collaborate their at home experiences with teaching their children. As a minister of the Gospel, this is one aspect in which I can facilitate in bringing brothers and sisters in Christ together for the goal of glorifying God and edifying the Body. “And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge in depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ” (Philippians 1:9-10).
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To read articles written by Lindsay, visit her drop down page under our “Your N.E.W. Council Reps!” tab or go to our Newsletter Tab.

Rev. Jan Wilton - Homes Schools Representative
Hailing from Lancaster, Texas, Jan homeschooled her youngest daughter and found the joy of observing her daughter begin to thrive and grow academically. Witnessing firsthand the challenges and rewards of homeschooling brought to the awareness of the need for and importance of the homeschooling option. She is currently a homeschooling “coach” for her daughter who homeschools her autistic son. Jan has served on the Council for NEW in several capacities for the past 12 years. Her passion is to resource, inspire, encourage, and motivate homeschooling parents in the education of their children. To read more about Jan’s story.
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To read articles written by Jan, visit her drop down page under our “Your N.E.W. Council Reps!” tab.

Dr. Juanita Copley - Public Schools & College/University Representative
Juanita Copley is a teacher with more than 55 years of experience. As an active
member of the Church of the Nazarene for 60 years, she has been privileged to serve
as a teacher of adults, teens, and children in both large and small congregations. As a
public school teacher (K – 12), instructional leader and coach, teacher educator, and
university professor, Dr. Copley has taught hundreds of teachers and students in a wide
variety of diverse settings, (urban/rural, international/national, private/public). As an
author, her research and curricular documents have most often focused on the
indicators of effective teaching. Most important, as a disciple of Jesus Christ, Nita has
shared her teaching passion with a servant’s heart. She continues to learn from Jesus
the Master Teacher and loves the unique opportunity to blend her educational
experiences with those modeled by Jesus Christ.
Juanita Copley, M.Ed, Ph.D.
Professor Emerita, University of Houston
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Dr. Mark Taylor - Christian Schools & College/University Representative

Mark is a past President of Missouri Association of Colleges of Teacher Education – Community College Division. He serves on the school board for North County Christian School, a ministry of Ferguson Church of the Nazarene. He serves as one of two College/University representatives on the Nazarene Educator’s Worldwide Council. In addition, he is a past General Chairperson of Nazarene International Education Association and Nazarene Educator’s Worldwide. Mark received the John and Suanne Roueche Excellence Award for Teaching Excellence from the League for Innovation in 2018. Mark and his wife, Tammy reside in Florissant, Missouri and have six children. Mark enjoys sports (particularly basketball), music (is a percussionist and vocalist), and reading.To read more about Mark,
To read articles written by Dr. Taylor, visit his drop down page under our “Your N.E.W. Council Reps!” tab.

Beula Postlewait - Communications & Global Education Representative
Beula and her husband, Jim live in the Kansas City area. Beula taught in a public elementary school for six years. In 1980, after her two daughters entered school, she began a 31-year career in Children’s Ministries at the Headquarters of the Church of the Nazarene. She worked in Children’s Ministries, where she wrote and edited curriculum and trained teachers. In 1998, Beula was asked to oversee the work of the Nazarene International Education Association. NIEA supported and encouraged our Nazarene Christian Schools. In 2009, the group expanded to support educators in all phases of education. The group’s name was changed to Nazarene Educators Worldwide. Beula serves as the Communications Representative and edits the monthly newsletter. Beula’s daughter is an elementary librarian in a public school. Beula teaches a preschool Sunday School class at Kansas City First Church. She has taught children’s classes there since 1967. Beula would love to hear from you, so feel free to contact her! To read more of Beula’s story, Email
To read articles written by Beula, visit her drop down page under our “Your N.E.W. Council Reps!” tab.